After Mr. Bentz's initial vote in the house, practically before he had hung up his coat, I was pretty sure he was destined to be a MAGA person content to being told how to vote. Saturday's vote for the Ukraine bill, while just one vote, gives me hope that he can think for himself and lead his district, which hasn't been the case since Bob Smith retired.

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As you have stated, Mr. Bentz voted in the House 3 days after being sworn in. At that time he followed the MAGA script to try to disallow the election results in Pennsylvania. He came out and supported Trump as soon as Trump began campaigning for President in 2024. Now he seems to want to present himself as a moderate Republican and not aligned with the far right.

In some countries they will call this type of person a "weathervane" politician. Depending upon which way the political winds flow the direction of his allegiance will change. Not my kind of Representative!

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I am frankly surprised and happy that Bentz voted in favor of the Ukraine aid.

It's still the case that the majority of Republicans voted against it, which raises the question: in the Republican Party, who's a Normie?

I hope that we have seen the high-water mark of MAGA, but I doubt it. It's gonna leave a nasty ring.

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Hi Peter,

I just saw "Porcelain War" at the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) about the war in Ukaraine. It is well done and very moving. The directors and producer showed it to Congress before the voted on the Ukraine bill. After seeing the movie, it is hard to understand how anyone could have voted aganist it. https://www.porcelainwar.com/impact

Trish Hackett NIcola

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