None of the republican candidates have any integrity or soul. I find each lacking in either leadership or understanding of what the American people want. As long as these candidates are characteritized as either a Trumper, anti Trumper, an alternative to Trump or Trump lite, I will not pay any attention to them.

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Making a “moral case” and “Trump” in the same sentence is mind boggling. The case for Christie has to be nuanced (thankfully Sage’s is) and for Trump, cannot be—Trump is a person without a moral compass. Well done Peter!

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Yay, Peter! My thoughts exactly! Guess he'll not be a regular on George Stephanopoulos' Sunday morning show and I'll miss him! I thought he was one on the panel who spoke his mind clearly (once Trump threw him under the bus and he got over being a Trumper.)

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Whoa boy!...having lived for close to 80 years on this earth, I need to say that I do not much trust any Republican statements these days. And this is from someone from, Dillard, OR who grew up in the 60's...The Republican folks these days make Nixon look like a creampuff...well, if creampuff seems to blend with spine, it may get complicated...

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

So sad that Christie threw away what little integrity he had left when he "coached" tfg to win the presidency. He contracted Covid from trump during their close time together & almost lost his life after 3 weeks in an ICU as his reward. The irony. So he has now has remorse after his part in what this country has been put through. Good. I'll also miss him on George's show & perhaps he can continue to redeem himself by speaking out now, as he is, about the grifting trump/kushner klan.

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