Sometimes a great speech or performance changes everything.
Gavin Newsom went on Fox and steamrolled over Sean Hannity.
I think it is a big deal.
Gavin Newsom had already emerged as a presidential aspirant, impatiently waiting for something to happen that would allow him gracefully to replace Biden. This TV performance re-positions and re-defines Newsom. Before, he was marked by his office, his ambition, his height and big hair. He seemed somehow too Hollywood, too California, too blue-state, too liberal to win in the Upper Midwest. Now it is different. He comes across like a mainstream moderate Democrat, a fearless and articulate spokesperson for Democratic policy.
Gavin Newsom projected confidence, affability, and the ability to marshal facts and details to counter -- indeed demolish -- the Fox/GOP talking points that Hannity had prepared. Hannity offered a series of "Gotcha" questions and facts. Newsom batted them back.
I was reminded of tennis pro Jimmy Connors at his best. He was noteworthy for changing the game of tennis. His return-of-service strokes came back harder and faster than the incoming serve. That was Gavin Newsom on Fox.
The best way to explain Newsom's game-changing performance -- and I do think it unsettled the 2024 political environment -- is to show it. Click. It is five minutes long. It is a good investment of a reader's time. It is insight into the future.
This shows what Newsom can do, and if he did it to Hannity, he can do it to Trump, DeSantis, and others. Part of this clip shows him defending Biden's health, vitality, legislation, and track record. He does it far better than does Biden. That is an opportunity, but also a concern. It would be good if Biden could do this for himself. That demonstrates a vulnerability.
I was a teenager in 1964, but I remember Ronald Reagan's televised campaign speech on behalf of Barry Goldwater, "A Time for Choosing."
Pow! It changed the political landscape. Reagan represented Goldwater better than did Goldwater. He made Goldwater's case and for a moment Goldwater's campaign appeared to have a chance of success. But the speech also diminished Goldwater. American conservatives saw what Goldwater couldnotdo. They saw an alternative. The leadership Reagan projected led him to be governor of California and then U.S. president. The Newsom performance could have this Reagan effect. Newsom vastly outshines Biden.
Newsom has baggage. Sexual baggage doesn't seem to matter anymore; Republicans gave up on that issue. Homelessness in California is a issue, as are housing prices, and Newsom was photographed having dinner not wearing a mask. Republicans will try to weigh that Napa dinner --privilege! -- against leading an insurrection to overthrow an election -- the righteous voice of the people! -- and that argument will feel legitimate to about 40% of Americans. Newsom seems comfortable with himself about the "dinner scandal," and that diminishes its importance. If Newsom is OK with himself and it, then we can be OK with it, too.
Newsom comes across as a confident leader. I had badly underestimated him.
video worth watching, thanks
I look forward to hearing whether, depending on which way the political wind is blowing on a given day, he’s going to propose a national reparations task force. At least he wound up in the position a responsible politician would have started out from. Then again, with the resources of the federal government, maybe he’d deliver for one or more of his constituencies.